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Explain the Mixed Economy with special reference to India.
9 Reply's, Recent Post by Vara Prasad on 1/22/2012 7:51:17 PM

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Explain the Mixed Economy with special reference to India.
9/5/2011 10:22:11 PM

Attempt  following

i.Explain the Mixed Economy with special reference to India.

ii.Discuss various definitions of Economics.

iii. Why the inequalities of income emerged with the emergence of the modern economy

iv.Discuss the Cross and Income Elasticity of Demand

akhila sharma
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Re: Explain the Mixed Economy with special reference to India.
1/10/2012 2:48:13 PM

can you el me why total cost always starts from  y axis?

Vara Prasad
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Re: Explain the Mixed Economy with special reference to India.
1/12/2012 1:33:34 PM

1.Mixed Economy with special reference to India.
a.Coexistence of the Both Private And Public Sector
b.domination of Public sector
c.Licensing is most for Private sector
d.Imposition of quota restriction on private sector
e.Monopoly of government sector

ii.Definitions of economics
a.Wealth Definition:Adam Smith.Economics mainly studies acquiring wealth
b.Welfare Definition:Alfred Marshal.Economcs is not only study of acquiring wealth but also distributing in such way welfare is attained
c.Sacracity Definition:Robbins i.Human wants are unlimited
                                                     ii.Resources are limited
                                                     iii.Resources have alternative uses
so the resources should be used in such way that maximum wants of the society are meet
d.Growth Definition:Samuelson .Resources are not only scarce but also exhaustive in nature.So the economies should always look for alternative and new resources.

iii.Inequalities of Incomes emerged due to economic growth with improper distribution of the wealth

iv.Cross Elasticity of demand is the responsiveness of the demand of X good to the change in the price of Y good
Income Elasticity of Demand is the responsiveness of demand with the change in the income of the consumer.

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Re: Explain the Mixed Economy with special reference to India.
1/12/2012 3:00:46 PM


There is some problem in this Thread. Unable to see first post.

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Re: Explain the Mixed Economy with special reference to India.
1/13/2012 8:36:53 PM

Thank u for restoring the thread content.

Vara Prasad
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Re: can you el why total cost always starts from yaxis?
1/22/2012 7:49:08 PM

Dear Akhila
Total cost is always starts from the Y axis because.It is combination of both Total Fixed Cost and Total variable cost.Total fixed cost is incurred even when the production is zero.TC curve starts from the Y axis only

Vara Prasad
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Re: Explain the Mixed Economy with special reference to India.
1/22/2012 7:50:01 PM

Dear Akhila
Total cost is always starts from the Y axis because.It is combination of both Total Fixed Cost and Total variable cost.Total fixed cost is incurred even when the production is zero.TC curve starts from the Y axis only

Vara Prasad
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attempt one of the following
1/22/2012 7:50:54 PM

1.Mixed Economy with special reference to India.
a.Coexistence of the Both Private And Public Sector
b.domination of Public sector
c.Licensing is most for Private sector
d.Imposition of quota restriction on private sector
e.Monopoly of government sector

ii.Definitions of economics
a.Wealth Definition:Adam Smith.Economics mainly studies acquiring wealth
b.Welfare Definition:Alfred Marshal.Economcs is not only study of acquiring wealth but also distributing in such way welfare is attained
c.Sacracity Definition:Robbins i.Human wants are unlimited
                                                     ii.Resources are limited
                                                     iii.Resources have alternative uses
so the resources should be used in such way that maximum wants of the society are meet
d.Growth Definition:Samuelson .Resources are not only scarce but also exhaustive in nature.So the economies should always look for alternative and new resources.

iii.Inequalities of Incomes emerged due to economic growth with improper distribution of the wealth

iv.Cross Elasticity of demand is the responsiveness of the demand of X good to the change in the price of Y good
Income Elasticity of Demand is the responsiveness of demand with the change in the income of the consumer.

Vara Prasad
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Re: Explain the Mixed Economy with special reference to India.
1/22/2012 7:51:16 PM

1.Mixed Economy with special reference to India.
a.Coexistence of the Both Private And Public Sector
b.domination of Public sector
c.Licensing is most for Private sector
d.Imposition of quota restriction on private sector
e.Monopoly of government sector

ii.Definitions of economics
a.Wealth Definition:Adam Smith.Economics mainly studies acquiring wealth
b.Welfare Definition:Alfred Marshal.Economcs is not only study of acquiring wealth but also distributing in such way welfare is attained
c.Sacracity Definition:Robbins i.Human wants are unlimited
                                                     ii.Resources are limited
                                                     iii.Resources have alternative uses
so the resources should be used in such way that maximum wants of the society are meet
d.Growth Definition:Samuelson .Resources are not only scarce but also exhaustive in nature.So the economies should always look for alternative and new resources.

iii.Inequalities of Incomes emerged due to economic growth with improper distribution of the wealth

iv.Cross Elasticity of demand is the responsiveness of the demand of X good to the change in the price of Y good
Income Elasticity of Demand is the responsiveness of demand with the change in the income of the consumer.

Vara Prasad
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Re: Explain the Mixed Economy with special reference to India.
1/22/2012 7:51:17 PM

1.Mixed Economy with special reference to India.
a.Coexistence of the Both Private And Public Sector
b.domination of Public sector
c.Licensing is most for Private sector
d.Imposition of quota restriction on private sector
e.Monopoly of government sector

ii.Definitions of economics
a.Wealth Definition:Adam Smith.Economics mainly studies acquiring wealth
b.Welfare Definition:Alfred Marshal.Economcs is not only study of acquiring wealth but also distributing in such way welfare is attained
c.Sacracity Definition:Robbins i.Human wants are unlimited
                                                     ii.Resources are limited
                                                     iii.Resources have alternative uses
so the resources should be used in such way that maximum wants of the society are meet
d.Growth Definition:Samuelson .Resources are not only scarce but also exhaustive in nature.So the economies should always look for alternative and new resources.

iii.Inequalities of Incomes emerged due to economic growth with improper distribution of the wealth

iv.Cross Elasticity of demand is the responsiveness of the demand of X good to the change in the price of Y good
Income Elasticity of Demand is the responsiveness of demand with the change in the income of the consumer.
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