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Cross elasticity of demand is the change in the demand for one good in response to a change
2 Reply's, Recent Post by Vara Prasad on 11/6/2011 7:59:19 PM

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Cross elasticity of demand is the change in the demand for one good in response to a change
9/5/2011 10:16:30 PM

Filling-in the blank spaces with appropriate words/figures

Cross elasticity of demand is the change in the demand for one good in response to a change in the _________ of another good.

akhila sharma
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Re: Cross elasticity of demand is the change in the demand for one good in response to a change
11/3/2011 11:26:17 AM


Vara Prasad
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Re: Cross elasticity of demand is the change in the demand for one good in response to a change
11/6/2011 7:59:19 PM

Dear Sharma,

Thanks for posting.

Cross elasticity of demand is the change in the demand for one good in response to a change in the price of the related good i.e., change in the price of the complementary and substitute goods how it affects the demand of the good.

Please send other queries or further discussion on the subject in the forum.

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